Ministry Entities
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Learning Without Walls
The National Institute for Christian Leadership seeks to prepare Christians for Leadership and Ministry in Church and Para-church organizations. Programs are designed for those with significant ministry experience and some theological training. Both undergraduate and graduate certificates are offered, as well as a Doctoral Diploma in Transformative Leadership. It is our vision to provide undergraduate and graduate level education at a fraction of the cost to those who desire and need the education but are unable to afford tuition at traditional institutions.

Those receiving Certificates and Diplomas are trained in the best practices and core theory of their respective areas of study. The studies equip the practitioner for effective ministry to fulfill their calling at the highest level. The local church, community, national organization and fellowships of all sizes can send their workers forth with confidence that they are well prepared to fulfill the work of the Church in every area of ministry and every corner of the globe.

The National Institute for Christian Leadership offers scholarships. Contact us for more information about our life changing institution. 

COGIC World Missions - St Kitts & Nevis

St. Kitts & Nevis is a dual-island nation situated in the West Indies between the Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea. The nation covers an area of just under 97 square miles and the population is just under 57,000 residents. Two thirds of the residents live on the island of St. Kitts and the other third
on Nevis.

St. Kitts and Nevis is the smallest sovereign state in the western hemisphere by population and area.  Saint Kitts and Nevis were among the first islands in the Caribbean to be settled by Europeans. Saint Kitts was home to the first British and French colonies in the Caribbean, and thus has also been titled
"The Mother Colony of the West Indies".

I have been working in the mission field of the leeward islands of the Caribbean for more than three years and have been intimately involved in the relief efforts there, however St. Kitts & Nevis has become dearest to my heart. I have approached the work efforts on four fronts: Social Responsibility, Church Strengthening, and Ministry to Women & Children.

Social Responsibility speaks to evangelism and public ministry in collaboration with
social/government/private agencies. We will continue our ministry to those most marginalized in our society and take the good news of Jesus Christ to them as we minister in their space. 

Church Strengthening emphasizes church leadership training, equipping for ministry and Christian education in order to strengthen the pastors, leaders,and members for the work of the Church. 

Ministry to Women, Children and Families emphasize spiritual growth, ministry readiness and life training for the women, for children and families. These groups have different dynamics and needs so they are considered individual elements to strengthening families and creating
new Christian households.

​Contact us for more information about helping those in need residing in St. Kitts & Nevis.
A Place To Belong 
Word and Worship Christian Church is a great place to belong. Located in the great city of North Auora, IL. Word and Worship is home to a great group of people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, generations, and experiences - coming together as one warm, friendly, and open hearted family. If you're looking for a place to belong, you will love Word and Worship.

Our church is a New community of believers with Jesus Christ as its head. We seek to love, respect and care for one another as a demonstration of our love for God.

Our outreach is to those who have no church home. Many in our area are disillusioned with religion. They have felt the sting of legalism with its impossible demands. Some have seen hypocrisy in the church. Others have had no religious background and therefore see Christianity as irrelevant. The missing element has been healthy relationships with mature believers in Jesus. Real people with real issues, who have found the answer in something greater than themselves.

Our mission is to be Family Friendly, Future Focused, and Faith Functioning - driven by our vision, directed by our purpose, and empowered through obedience by the Spirit of God to meet the needs of the community with the love of Christ.

We invite you to visit us on social media or come pay us a visit and see for yourself. This is a great place to belong!     ​
Enriching the Community
Mike Neil Traditional Martial Arts , the home of Professional Martial Artists united in a common goal: enriching the community through Martial Arts - one student at a time,  teaches a powerful system consisting of defenses and attacks utilizing the entire body.  The main headquarters is located in the wonderful city of North Aurora, IL.  Our foundational Martial art is Tang Soo Do - enhanced by the practical self defense of various grappling and striking arts.

At Mike Neil Traditional Martial Arts we develop physical abilities with the full understanding that they are to be used soley in cases of self defense or in defense of the defenseless. We develop our internal abilities so that we are self confident and therefore less likely to be chosen as victims by those who prey on the weak.

Traditional Martial Arts practitioners work diligently to improve their physical condition through training sessions that include strong cardiovascular workouts. By practicing extensive drills, the student develops the respiratory system, which in turn improves both physical and mental endurance. By improving flexibility, the student learns to better control the actions of the muscle groups responsible for the execution of each technique. Traditional Martial Arts students condition the blocking and striking areas of their bodies to prevent injury to themselves and increase the effectiveness of techniques used to defend against an aggressor.

We do not believe in a one-size-fits-all philosophy. Students learn a balance of the martial arts systems designed and tuned to meet their specific needs and objectives, and best suited for their strengths and limitations. Our foundational art of Tang Soo Do was developed in China by a Korean Master - and was heavily influenced by the Japanese Martial Arts. The Grandmaster (now deceased) combined the best of his training into this blended system.

Visit our Facebook page to learn more about Mike Neil Traditional Martial Arts. ​​